Fate Condensed
By Evil Hat ProductionsAdvancement
Fate Condensed
As your characters muck about in the storyline, they’ll grow and change. At the end of each session you’ll earn a minor milestone, which lets you move things around on your character sheet. As you conclude each arc of the story, you’ll earn a major milestone, which lets you add things to your character sheet. (Learn more about sessions and arcs on page XX.)
Minor Milestones
Minor milestones happen at the end of a session, part of the way through dealing with a story arc. They are focused on adjusting your character laterally rather than advancing the character. You may not wish to use a minor milestone, which is fine. It doesn’t always make sense to change your character. The opportunity is there if you need it. During a minor milestone, you can do one of the following:- Switch the ranks of any two skills, or replace one Average (+1) skill with one that isn’t on your sheet.
- Rewrite one stunt.
- Purchase a new stunt by spending 1 refresh. (Remember, you can’t go below 1 refresh.)
- Rewrite any one of your aspects, except your high concept.
Major Milestones
Major milestones are more significant, letting your character actually grow in power. A major milestone lets you do one thing from the minor milestone list. On top of that, you do all of the following:- Rewrite your character’s high concept, if you care to.
- If you have any moderate or severe consequences not yet in recovery, you can begin the recovery process and rename them. Any that were already in recovery may now be cleared.
- Increase the skill rating of one skill by one step—even from Mediocre (+0) to Average (+1).
- Gain a point of refresh, which you can immediately spend to buy a new stunt if you like.
- Increase a second skill rating by one step.