Fari App Wiki
By Fari RPGsManaging Scenes
What are Scenes used for ?
Public and Private Index Cards
Moving a card from one section to another
Index Cards Quick Templates
Sorting Index Cards
Collapsing or Expanding Index Cards
Index Card Content
Index Card Controls
Color Picker
Initiative Tracker
Adding Sub Cards
Adding Building Blocks
Duplicate, Reset, Delete
Managing Scenes
Fari App Wiki
This guide will cover how you can create and organize your Scenes inside Fari.
What are Scenes used for ?
When you play tabletop RPGs in real life, each scene will probably consists of a bunch of index cards laid out all over a table. Those cards will probably be of different colors, have text, numbers and checkboxes doodled all over them. Fari Scenes are organized exactly like that. Each scene is a board which you can use to add index cards on!What kind of content can I add on index cards ?
To make index cards as versatile as possible, Fari leverages the building blocks framework used by the character sheets to let you add any type of content you want to index card. > Read more about the different building blocks you can use here
Public and Private Index Cards
Each scene support two types of index cards: Public and Private. Public cards are things you want everyone at your table to see. While the Private cards are only going to be visible to the game master! As the GM, you can use the private index cards to keep some aces up your sleeves or introduces some bad guys or interesting aspects during play.Moving a card from one section to another
When you create a private index card, it is possible to move it out of this section and into the public section. The opposite is also totally possible. If you want to do this, simply click on the Mark Public/Private button at the top right corner of the index card.Notes
Each scene has also a basic note field that you can use if you want to save some information like scene recap or things like that.Index Cards Quick Templates
Like said previously, Index Cards are built using the character sheet building blocks. To help you quickly add index cards during play, Fari has multiple pre-made templates for Fate, Blades in the Dark. You can also use the Card Collection feature to make your own templates to pull in during a game.Sorting Index Cards
Scenes can become pretty messy over time. That why Fari offers 3 index card sorting functions- None: Index Cards can be freely re-organized by the GM. Using this options lets the GM define how index cards are organized
- Group First: Index Cards can contain sub cards, this sorting function will keep those group cards at the top, followed by cards without sub cards
- Pinned First: Cards can also be Pinned. Using this sort function will keep the pinned cards first followed by unpinned cards.