Fate Stunts
By Fari RPGsFate Stunts
Fate Stunts
Athletics Stunts
Burglary Stunts
Contacts Stunts
Crafts Stunts
Deceive Stunts
Drive Stunts
Empathy Stunts
Fight Stunts
Investigate Stunts
Lore Stunts
Notice Stunts
Physique Stunts
Provoke Stunts
Rapport Stunts
Resources Stunts
Shoot Stunts
Stealth Stunts
Will Stunts
Stunt Rubric
Add a New Action to a Skill
Add a Bonus to an Action
Create a Rules Exception
Other Rubrics
Fate Stunts
Fate Stunts
All stunts from the Fate Core System book are here, plus most of the stunts from the Fate System Toolkit and Spirit of the Century. Any stunts that would qualify as extras in Fate Core are omitted, as are stunts that don't make sense without taking an extra. This page is an adaptation of the work of Peter Blake from the Evil Hat Wiki Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 License.