Fight Stunts

Fate Stunts

Against Multiple Opponents

Army of One/The King Still Stands
(requires Brawler.) You are a one-man army; the odds don’t matter to you. Whenever you are physically attacked by a mob, opponents in that mob do not get a teamwork bonus to their attacks. (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.13.1)
Army on the Edge of My Blade
You take no penalty—and grant no bonus—for being outnumbered, no matter how preposterous the numbers. (Fate System Toolkit, p.97)
You’re at home in any big old burly brawl, with multiple opponents and ideally some beer in you. When fighting a mob of nameless NPCs, you deal one additional stress on a successful physical hit. (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.13.1)
Once per conflict, when you inflict a physical consequence on an opponent with Fight, you may also inflict a 2-point physical hit on another opponent in the same zone. (Peter Blake)
Whirlwind Attack
You may make a Fight attack against every opponent in your zone, dividing your roll between them as you see fit. (Peter Blake)

Against Specific Opponents

Advanced Warmaster
(requires Warmaster.) When you’re fighting anyone who is armed with a sword, you get a further +2 bonus to creating an advantage using Warmaster. (Fate Core, p.94)
Destroyer of Abominations
You hit harder when your enemy is something blasphemous. You gain +2 to attacks with Fight against creatures that are unusually offensive to your faith.
Favored Enemy
Choose an organisation or ethnic group. You gain +2 on attacks made with Fight against a member of that group. (Exercise discretion in the use of this stunt. A racist villain is probably OK, but a racist PC is almost certainly not.) (Peter Blake)
Favored Enemy Parry
Choose an organisation. You gain +2 to defend with Fight against members of that group. (Peter Blake)
Mirror Stance
Your unusual fighting style lets you defend effortlessly when you and your opponent are similarly armed. +2 to defend with Fight whenever your opponent attacks you with the same kind of weapon as you wield.
Reflection Shatters the Mirror
(requires Mirror Stance.) You can switch in a heartbeat from matching your opponent move for move to doing precisely the opposite. +2 to attack with Fight whenever your opponent wields the same kind of weapon as you do.
Unorthodox Fighting
People with formal training are less able to defend against your tomfoolery in combat. +2 to attacks with Fight against opponents who strictly adhere to a formal style of combat.


If you succeed with style on a Fight defense, you can choose to inflict a 2-shift hit rather than take a boost. (Fate Core, p.91)
(requires Riposte.) When you succeed with style on a Fight defense, instead of taking a boost, you may spend a fate point to inflict physical stress equal to the shifts you got on your defense roll. You may only do this once per opponent per scene. (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.29.1)

Defending Others

Ally’s Shield
You can invoke Dwarven Shield-Maiden when a nearby ally suffers an attack. When you do, redirect that attack to yourself. Your defense is Average (+1) against that attack. (Fate System Toolkit, p.34)
Defend the Weak
When someone is attacked physically while within your zone, you can spend a fate point to redirect that attack to yourself. You may defend against that attack at +1. (Fate System Toolkit, p.41)
Leave My Friends Alone!
+2 to attack with Fight when your opponent’s most recent action was to attack one of your allies. (Peter Blake)


Close at Hand
You can bring your weapon to hand faster than the eye can track. If the difficulty of overcoming an aspect of Disarmed or similar is Fair (+2) or less, you may overcome it as a free action. If the difficulty is higher, instead gain +2 on the roll to overcome that aspect. (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.15.3)
Disarming Specialist
You have been trained in how to disarm an armed combatant. Once per scene per opponent, when you successfully defend against an attack with a melee weapon, you may sacrifice your next action to place the Disarmed aspect on that opponent.
Firm Grip
+2 to defend with Fight against being disarmed. (Peter Blake)

Full Defense

Fists of Fury
(requires Brawler.) Swinging wildly and with force, you can strike at an opponent over and over again, wearing down his defense with each blow. +2 to Fight whenever you punch an opponent who is using full defense. (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.13.1)
Flawless Parry/Perfect Parry
+2 to defend with Fight when you perform a full defense action. (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.29.1)
Guard Breaker
When you attack someone who is performing a full defense action, you gain +2 to Fight. (Peter Blake)

In Specific Environments

Your ability to attack with Fight works unimpeded by conditions like darkness or other visual impairments. (Peter Blake)
Master of the Roof
+2 to defend with Fight when you are at a higher elevation than your opponent. (Peter Blake)
Mountain Warrior
+2 to defend with Fight when your opponent is at a higher elevation than you. (Peter Blake)
Precise Swing
You suffer no increased difficulty on Fight rolls from aspects related to cover. (Peter Blake)
Tunnel Fighter
Your Fight skill works unimpeded by conditions such as narrow passages, low ceilings, or other spatial limitations. (Peter Blake)

Mounted Combat

Ride-By Attack
Once per scene, you may move one zone while mounted, attack with Fight, and then move one additional zone, provided there are no situation aspects restricting movement. (Peter Blake)
+2 to create advantage with Fight when you try to remove someone from their mount’s back. (Peter Blake)

Special Moves

Bull Charge
You know how to use your momentum in a fight. +2 to attack with Fight whenever you move at least one zone unopposed before you attack with a fist or other blunt weapon. (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.13.2)
Dispatch the Fallen
Once per scene, when you attack an enemy who is Prone, Knocked to the Ground, or similar, you gain +2 to attack with Fight. (Peter Blake)
Flying Kick
(requires Martial Arts.) You are able to leap through the air, leading with a powerful kick that can lay an unsuspecting opponent out. +2 to attack with Fight whenever you move at least one zone unopposed before you attack with a kick. (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.13.2)
Killing Stroke
Once per scene, when you force an opponent to take a consequence, you can spend a fate point to increase the consequence’s severity (so mild becomes moderate, moderate becomes severe). If your opponent was already going to take a severe consequence, he must either take a severe consequence and a second consequence or be taken out. (Fate Core, p.111)
When you succeed with style on an attack with Fight, you may choose to reduce the value of your hit by one in order to move your opponent one zone, provided there are no situation aspects impeding this movement. (Peter Blake)
Signature Strike
You have a specific attack which you have honed to devastating perfection. Describe it as an aspect (for instance Thousand Whirlwinds Strike As One! or Kick in the Crotch). Once per conflict, as a free action, you can attach this aspect to an opponent as a boost. (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.13.1)
Spring Attack
Once per scene, you may move one zone on foot, attack with Fight, and then move one additional zone, provided there are no situation aspects restricting movement. (Peter Blake)
Stunning Fist
Once per physical conflict, when you succeed on an unarmed attack, you may place the aspect Stunned on your opponent with one free invocation. (Peter Blake)

With Specific Weapons

Do You Like It? I Made It Myself
A weapon you made yourself is a weapon that you know really well. +2 to defend with Fight when opponents attempt to disarm you or turn the limitations of your weapon against you.
My Blade Strikes True
Once per conflict, you can force the opponent to use a mild consequence instead of a 2-point stress box on a successful Fight attack with your heirloom sword. (Fate Core, p.93)
Two Sword Joe
Normally, fighting with two swords just looks cool, but when you wield two swords, you have a decisive advantage. Any time you succeed on an attack with two swords, the stress inflicted is increased by one. (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.15.4)

With Any Weapon

Anything Goes
Virtually anything can be a lethal weapon in your hands, as long as you can comfortably and casually lift it. You never need to spend a fate point in order to declare that an improvised weapon is close at hand, unless your surroundings have been deliberately prepared against this (such as a prison cell). (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.29.3)
Weapons of the World
Every kind of proper (not improvised) hand-held melee weapon in the world has been in your hands at one point or another. Once per conflict, when you handle an unusual weapon of this type, you may tell a quick two- or three-sentence story (either to another character or as an internal monologue) to gain a +2 on your next roll with it. (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.29.3)

New Actions

Once per scene, when you inflict a physical consequence, you gain one additional invocation of that consequence. (Peter Blake)
Demoralising Stance/My Weapon Speaks For Me/Talking With My Fists
As a trained fighter, you are able to adopt a stance that makes it unequivocally clear how capable you are of handing someone his ass. Whenever displaying your fighting stance or threatening someone with violence, you may roll Fight instead of Provoke to scare them. (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.13.2)
Hidden Weapons
Your knowledge of weapons helps you conceal them. You may use Fight instead of Burglary to conceal weaponry.
Mixed Martial Artist
You practice judo or another grappling-based martial art. You may use Fight instead of Physique to create advantages related to wrestling and pinning.
Parry Everything
Your hand-eye coordination is superb, and perhaps you could even deflect a bullet with your weapon. You may use Fight to defend against Shoot attacks. (The GM may limit this stunt by having it only apply to slower projectiles or those fired from another zone.)
Whip Grip
You can use Fight to grab things with a whip. (Peter Blake)


Whenever you take a mild physical consequence, you can choose to instead destroy your armor or your shield, provided you’re using the appropriate item. Once your armor or shield is destroyed, you’ll have to get it repaired or get a new one. (Fate System Toolkit, p.41)
Backup Weapon
Whenever someone’s about to hit you with a Disarmed situation aspect or something similar, spend a fate point to declare you have a backup weapon. Instead of a situation aspect, your opponent gets a boost, representing the momentary distraction you suffer having to switch. (Fate Core, p.111)
Dirty Fighter
(requires Brawler.) You have a talent for fighting dirty and are experienced in pulling all manner of tricks in order to get the upper hand on your opponents. Any time you invoke an opponent’s aspect in a physical fight, you get an additional +1 on the roll. (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.13.1)
Competition Fighting
You excel on the mat or in the ring. +2 to attack with Fight as long as the combat is part of an adjudicated sport and is not a matter of life and death.
Cut Off
When someone defends against your Fight roll, and they succeed with style, they do not receive a boost. (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.3.1)
The Drunkard Swings Wide
(requires Drunken Shove from Physique.) Your blows are crude and telegraphed, but in dodging, your opponent seems to be struck by an elbow or a knee by accident. Make your Fight roll as normal. If you strike your opponent, you do stress as normal. If you miss or tie, your opponent takes one physical stress anyway. (Fate System Toolkit, p.150)
Ground and Pound
When you successfully attack someone with Fight whom you are grappling, you inflict 2 additional stress.
Heavy Hitter
When you succeed with style on a Fight attack and choose to reduce the result by one to gain a boost, you gain a full situation aspect with a free invocation instead. (Fate Core, p.111)
Hold the Line
When you share a zone with an ally who also has this stunt, you gain +2 to defend with Fight. (Peter Blake)
Kick the Bruise
It really hurts to take two hits to the same place. Once per conflict, when you invoke a physical consequence on a successful Fight attack, you can spend a fate point to increase that consequence's severity (so mild becomes moderate, moderate becomes severe) before your opponent takes stress from your successful attack. If you invoked a severe consequence, your opponent must either take a consequence from your attack or be taken out.
Martial Arts
You have an acute insight into the means and methods of barehanded warfare. +2 to create advantages with Fight when you assess another martial artist's style. (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.13.2)
Brickbreaker/Board Breaking
(requires Martial Arts.) You are able to focus the force of your blows into a concentrated, small area that is devastating to solid materials. You may make attacks with your body against objects that would typically only be damaged by weapons or tools. If you attack something softer, such as wood, any stress you deal is doubled. (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.13.2)
Fist of Death
(requires Martial Arts.) By concentrating your force into a powerful blow, you may devastate even the most potent of opponents. Once per opponent per fight, you may spend a fate point after landing a successful blow to cause your opponent to check their highest unchecked physical stress box (instead of taking stress equal to the shifts you succeeded by). (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.13.2)
Martial Scholar
(requires Martial Arts.) Once you know your opponent, besting them is easy. When you successfully create an advantage with Fight based on assessing an opponent's combat style, you gain an extra free invocation.
Right Back At You
(requires Parry Everything.) Once per scene, when you succeed with style on a Fight defence against a Shoot attack, you may send the projectile flying back towards your attacker, inflicting a 2-shift physical hit on them. (Peter Blake)
Spears of Green Wood
You may train a body of troops—unnamed characters in a group of up to approximately 100—for a week and increase their Fight Skill by +1. You can repeat this multiple times, improving any given unit to a maximum of your Fight -2. (Fate System Toolkit, p.97)
Steady the Drunkard
(requires The Drunkard Swings Wide.) You stagger and seem about to fall, so you reach out and grab your opponent’s arm to steady yourself. This seemingly unintentional grip blocks chi and paralyzes your opponent. You may place a Chi Blocked situation aspect with a free invocation on your opponent. Your opponent may not use any kung fu stunts until they remove this aspect. (Fate System Toolkit, p.150)
Use Their Strength Against Them
Excessive strength can be a disadvantage if your opponent knows how to exploit it. +2 to Fight rolls made to defend against an opponent, provided the opponent is physically much stronger than you.
+2 to Fight rolls made to create an advantage against an opponent, provided the opponent has a fighting style or weakness you can exploit. (Fate Core, p.299)
Weapon Finesse
+2 to create advantages with Fight related to fancy but harmless bladework, such as cutting your insignia into your opponent’s clothing. (Peter Blake)
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