What's the Math Behind The Fate Dice
Success With Style
By René-Pier Deshaies-Gélinas
The big thing we need to understand when using Fudge/Fate Dice is that the chances of getting a +4/-4 versus getting a 0 are drastically very different.
Outlining the results in a graph where the vertical axis represents the chances of getting a result and where the horizontal axis lists all the possible results, you would get something that looks like this:
So you technically have a 1.23% (1/81) chance of getting a -4/+4 but a 23.46% chance of getting a 0.
Where it gets crazy is when you start thinking about the chances of getting a 0 or higher?.
Because the probabilities are going to stack, you get 61.73% chances to get a 0 or higher.
If you were playing with a D20, the graph would look something like this:
That flat line means that basically, you have equal chances of getting each result separately which, by consequence means that the outcome of a roll tend to also be "flatter".