

Text by Jason Tocci under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC BY 4.0)


Players describe what their characters do. The GM advises when their action is impossible, demands a cost or extra steps, or presents a risk. Players can revise plans before committing so as to change goal/stakes. Only roll to avoid risk.


Roll a skill die — d6 by default, higher with a relevant skill, or d4 if hindered by injury or circumstances. If helped by circumstances, roll an extra d6; if helped by an ally, they roll their skill die and share the risk. Take the highest die.
  • 1–2 Disaster. Suffer the full risk. GM decides if you succeed at all. If risking death, you die.
  • 3–4 Setback. A lesser consequence or partial success. If risking death, you’re injured.
  • 5+ Success. The higher the roll, the better.
If success can’t get you what you want (you make the shot, but it’s bulletproof!), you’ll at least get useful info or set up an advantage.


Carry as much as makes sense, but more than one bulky item may hinder you at times.


After a job, each character increases a skill (none⮕d8⮕d10⮕d12) and gains d6 credits (₡).


Say how one of your items breaks to turn a hit into a brief hindrance. Broken gear is useless until repaired.


Injuries take time and/or medical attention to heal. If killed, make a new character to introduce ASAP. Favor inclusion over realism.


Describe characters in terms of behaviors, risks, and obstacles, not skill dice. Lead the group in setting lines not to cross in play. Fast-forward, pause, or rewind/redo for pacing and safety; invite players to do likewise. Present dilemmas you don’t know how to solve. Move spotlight to give all time to shine. Test as needed for bad luck (e.g., run out of ammo, or into guards) — roll a die to check for (1– 2) trouble or (3–4) signs of it. Improvise rulings to cover gaps in rules; on a break, revise unsatisfactory rulings as a group.
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