Character Profile

Storyteller Creator's Guide

These profiles should not generally need to be changed regardless of genre, however if you do change them, we would challenge you to leave in Age Description. Our play testers have enjoyed finding unique ways of describing their characters without the use of a ‘year's old’ numeric marker. Strengths provide something the character is uniquely skillful at narratively, but provide no bonuses. The Personality Trait, Secret, Ideal and Flaw should describe who the character is as a person and help towards playing them.


My name is NAME. (PRONOUNS ) I am AGE DESCRIPTION . Most people would describe me as PERSONALITY TRAIT. I joined the group because of my STRENGTH and STRENGTH.
But I hide SECRET from them. I believe that IDEAL, but my FLAW causes my problems.


My name is NAME. (PRONOUNS) I am AGE DESCRIPTION. Most people would describe me as PERSONALITY TRAIT.

Character Profile Options

Most of these are self-explanatory. However, if you’re looking for examples to start with, we provide many in Storyteller. We will happily provide a free download link to anyone trying to build something with the Creator’s Guide. Reach out to us via Twitter @PandionGames.
  • Age Descriptions
  • Personality Traits
  • Strengths
  • Secrets
  • Ideals
  • Flaws
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