Timey Winey

Binary Trinity

You are a group of young people who stumble upon the effects of time travel, but something goes awry and now you have to face consequences before paradoxes rip spacetime.


Toss or choose one of the following characters or make your own. 0 - Science Nerd 3, New Transfer Student 2, Cool Loser 1
1 - Lovable Jock 3, Child Prodigy 2, Book Dumb 1
2 - Book Smart 3, Goth Eccentric, 2, Bully Hunter 1
3 - Class Clown 3, Teen Genius 2, Emo Teen 1

The Incident

Toss three coins (head = 1, tail = 0). Sum up the results. Check the tables below to generate an incident.


0 - Ruthless Physics Professor
1 - Fissure of Spacetime
2 - Reckless Time-traveller
3 - Mysterious Artifact


0 - A Time Loop
1 - The Convergence of Spacetime
2 - An Accidental Time Travel
3 - To Froze Time

You have to...

0 - Travel back in time
1 - Unconvered a government conspiracy
2 - Help the Time Police
3 - Restart Time


0 - You fall into an alternative reality
1 - A third party interferes
2 - One of you is the true cause
3 - Invaders from the future arrive

Time Conflict

The first time you face a time-related action, you gain a new dictum scoring 1. If you succeced 2 times in a row, you gain an additional level. Time Conflict is a normal conflict according to the core rules.
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