The Adventure Maker


Sometimes you may lack the inspiration to think of a game setting, or you want to experiment with one you have never thought of. The tables below are designed to instantly generate an unpredictable setting for you to explore with a game. To generate a setting:
  1. Roll on the Settings table
  2. Roll on the Tones table
  3. Roll two times on one Things table of your choice
To generate a premise of adventure:
  1. Roll on the Opposition table
  2. Roll two times on Actions table and on a Things tables
Note that the adventure premise is not the initial scene prompt, only the framework within which it takes place.

Table 1: Settings

1Post-Apocalyptic WastelandHigh Fantasy KingdomMedieval War and IntrigueCyberpunk MegacorporationFuturistic Space ColonySupernatural Noir City
2Alternate HistoryPirate-Filled SeasWild West FrontierDark Fantasy RealmFuturistic Dystopian CityAncient Greek Mythology
3Space Opera AdventureSamurai-Era JapanZombie SurvivalSuperhero MetropolisCold War EspionageModern Crime Syndicate
4Magic School for Young MagesHorror-Filled AsylumEpic Fantasy QuestCybernetic Organisms and AndroidsLovecraftian Cosmic HorrorsSword and Sorcery Adventure
5Urban Fantasy UnderworldAbandoned Space StationColonial AmericaMythical Creatures and LegendsMartial Arts ActionHorror-Stricken Carnival
6Underwater Adventure and ExplorationJungle-Covered PlanetSteampunk Victorian EraTime Travel ParadoxesIntergalactic Starfighter BattlesSurvival in a Savage Land

Table 2: Tones

1Dark and broodingLighthearted and humorousGritty and realistic
2Epic and grandioseSuspenseful and thrillingMysterious and enigmatic
3Action-packed and adventurousRomantic and whimsicalHorror-filled and terrifying
4Technologically advanced and sleekGrungy and dirtyGothic and ominous
5Surreal and dreamlikeFuturistic and dystopianNostalgic and timeless
6Eerie and paranormalMartial and disciplinedGracious and elegant

Table 3: Things

1MagicMonstersAncient relicsMedieval castleFuturistic technologySpaceship
2Ancient ruinsForbidden knowledgeSecret societyDangerous questBand of adventurersUnseen forces
3Hidden treasureDark magicMystical creaturesSupernatural powersEpic battleIntriguing plot
4Suspicious charactersWar-torn landDangerous wildernessPolitical intrigueWorld dominationSuspenseful journey
5Dark secretsForbidden loveIntense conflictDeath-defying stuntsPowerful artifactsEpic journeys
6Unpredictable twistsDynamic charactersDifferent factionsVast empiresEpic heroesLegendary creatures
1Post-apocalyptic wastelandSteampunk cityscapeDragon-infested skiesHaunted mansionFuturistic metropolisIntergalactic trade routes
2Lost city of goldArtificial intelligencePirate's coveTime-travel paradoxEspionageExtraterrestrial beings
3Underwater kingdomEpic sea voyageSuperheroic powersTime loopsAlternate realitiesVirtual reality simulation
4Intriguing mysteryMutant uprisingAdvanced biotechnologyFuturistic societyAlternate historyCyberpunk dystopia
5Extensive loreUnstoppable virusEnchanted forestThe unknown frontiersAdvanced roboticsSecrets of the universe
6End of the world scenariosTelekinetic abilitiesFuturistic weaponsDimension hoppingTechno-sorcerySuperpowered conflict
1Lost civilizationDecaying metropolisGothic horrorWild west frontierFuturistic cyberwarfareSpace exploration
2Political uprisingArtificial lifeformsMercenaries and assassinsTime-traveling adventuresEspionage missionAlien invasion
3Underwater adventureEpic siegeMagical abilitiesTime anomaliesAlternate timelineVirtual reality nightmare
4Intriguing conspiracyMutant insurgencyCybernetic enhancementsFuturistic utopiaHistorical reimaginingCyberpunk rebellion
5Extensive world-buildingUnstoppable monsterEnchanted kingdomThe final frontierRobotic revolutionSecrets of the ancients
6End of the era scenariosPsionic abilitiesFuturistic battlefieldsInterdimensional portalsTechnomancySuperpowered diplomacy

Table 4: Actions


Table 5: Oppositions

1Dark wizardsSavage beastsMalevolent spiritsArrogant noblemenDangerous trapsRuthless bandits
2Undead armiesCorrupt politiciansSinister organizationsVicious monstersTreacherous terrainDespotic rulers
3Powerful artifactsMerciless assassinsDangerous creaturesAncient cursesComplex puzzlesPowerful spells
4Ruthless mercenariesDark forcesTerrible secretsInsidious plotsVicious predatorsUnforgiving elements
5Lethal poisonAncient propheciesIrresistible temptationsPowerful enchantmentsRuthless warlordsUnseen dangers
6Terrible cursesDevious trapsSinister conspiraciesDangerous illusionsMalevolent entitiesRuthless factions
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