Hopes & Dreams
By Fari RPGsBefore We Start
Hopes & Dreams
Define lines that should not be crossed. Pause or rewind the game if something uncomfortable happens during a session. Always make sure everyone is comfortable with the direction of the story.Playing The Game
One person plays as the game moderator (GM), the rest as players.GM’s Guidelines
- Present challenges to the group.
- Be a fan of the players.
- Be the risk, not the opposition.
- When in doubt, ask them questions, fill the world with their answers.
- Make checks swift. Play with the players, not against them. If it's cool, let them try.
- For complex challenges, or for hinting at trouble, use tracks.
- When the group’s dream or nightmare is filled, work with the group to shift the story to an interesting place.
Player’s Guidelines
- Narrate what your character does.
- Take risks, and make checks to know what happens.
- Rely on your character’s hope, skills or areas of knowledge to even the odds stacked against you.
- Play as a group, and assist one another when facing hopeless situations.
- Give everyone a time to shine.
- Fill the world with your ideas, and make the story your own.
- Focus on your dream, and don’t fear your nightmare.