Anatomy of a Class
Harmony Drive
A class in Harmony Drive has the following things attached:
- Lore, backstory, and information
- 12 Spell Pieces to choose from
- Five Starting Skills
- Three Abilities per level
- An Assist Pool
Abilities are ways that players can customize their approach to their class. Every class has a list of three abilities per “level”, and as characters advance they choose a new ability from their class list. This lets two characters in the same class play differently and have different strengths and weaknesses. When writing abilities, here are some tips:- Try writing abilities that appeal to different styles of play
- Don’t make abilities depend on each other with prerequisites, but do make them play well together.
- Use abilities to show players how you think a class should play
Assist Pools
Assist Pools represent a special source of power, outside the player, that they have access to. Characters in your game might have a sentient weapon they can connect to, or a demonic familiar, or a friend in a high place. The important thing about Assist Pools is that they represent a special power players can turn to for help. In the base game, they’re tied to classes as a central feature. Assist Pools have the following:- A resource pool
- Spell Pieces
- Abilities
- A Consequence
Resource Pool
You might want your Assist Pools to have their own resource, or you might use your game’s Magic or Health resources. What matters here is that there’s a finite amount of power here. In Heroic Chord, the Assist Pool has its own running total, which caps out at 5.Spell Pieces
You might want to set some special Spell Pieces aside for the Assist Pool. If the players want to use these words to cast a spell, they need to spend 1 from their Resource Pool. These words might be very different from the class’s normal words.Abilities
These are powers that the players can use in exchange for spending their Assist Pool resource. Like the Spell Pieces, these should be different from things the players can do on their own – they represent an exceptional source of help. Otherwise, though, they’re not too different from Class Abilities. The Abilities above are just examples. You should try and make some that are inexpensive and easy to use, and others that are more expensive and represent a greater investment. Here are some more examples: *Clarity: (2 Scatter) You make a minor prediction about events yet to unfold, such as where a person will be found or what kind of creature will attack. (You may need to bargain with your GM for this.) Your prediction comes true. (Wandering Magus – The Watching Stars)* *Call Specter: (2 Scatter) A phantom appears to aid you. For the next three rounds of combat, there is a ghost present who will make attacks, using the same skills and facets as you do. The phantom is no one you recognize, a fallen warrior from the place's history, and they do not speak. (Enduring Crusader – The Fallen)* *Conjure Tunnel: (3 Grounding) You immediately create a Warp Tunnel. Where it leads is up to the GM, but it will definitely deliver you from the situation you find yourself in. (Warptouched Ace – Warp Demon)*Consequence
For every Assist Pool, there is a pool of some kind of resource. There should also be a unique consequence that happens when the player runs out of their resource. Think about what happens when your characters get too close to this special source of power. In the example above, a Windswept Cavalier who becomes too close to their animal friend becomes further away from their fellow human beings. This is a great way to add flavor to your classes, and to encourage your players to make dramatic choices, so take your time to make these special and interesting.To Do – Classes
What are the different paths to power in your world? Are you using classes? If not, how will players get abilities? What kinds of abilities do players of every class have to choose from? If you’re not using the default advancement system, when do players choose abilities? What extra powers can the players call on? What are the powers they gain from this? What are the consequences?