Harmony Drive
Adaptability – A facet of a character. Describes how much the character likes to solve problems by coming up with a new approach to fit the situation.
Assist Pool – A resource that lets the player call on an outside force for help. If the Assist Pool runs out, the character faces a certain Consequence.
Daring – A facet of a character. Describes how much the character likes to solve problems with direct action.
Edge Success – A die that comes up a 1. A player can count this as a Success as if it were a 5 or 6, but only if they agree to a consequence presented by the GM.
Encounter – A challenge the characters need to overcome when time is of the essence. The game’s combat system.
Facets – A character’s “stats”. Facets describe a character’s preferred ways of solving problems.
Key – A list of a character’s unique motivations. When a character acts in accordance with an item in their Key, they mark it off and add two dice to their skill roll.
Lesson – The lesson a character needs to learn, used to help the GM plan a Spotlight Arc about the character.
Sensitivity – A facet of a character. Describes how much the character likes to solve problems by taking in information from the surroundings.
Signature Spell Pieces – Spell Pieces that are available to the character after they have marked off every item in their Key. These can be anything – the player can write whatever they like.
Specialty – An ability that changes the way a character interacts with encounters.
Spell Pieces – The words players put together to create their spells. One of them comes from their own character, and one of them comes from the GM.
Spotlight Arc – A short story revolving around a character’s lesson, usually only a couple sessions long, after which the character grows.
Subtlety – A facet of a character. Describes how much the character likes to solve problems by hiding their motives or actions from others.
Success – A die that comes up a 5 or 6. In an encounter these are counted, and outside an encounter a player typically needs 1 to 3 to succeed at an uncertain action.
Understanding – A facet of a character. Describes how much the character likes to solve problems by connecting information.