Character Creation

Fight Card System

Characters in Transgender Deathmatch Legend are all about the vibes. You define their shoot name, ring name, background pitch, and gimmick off of picklists. You also give your character some pronouns and draw cards to determine a finishing move (pure optional flavour for when you win a fight). You could replicate this approach in your Fight Card Game or devise the character another way, maybe drawing cards and checking against random tables or drawing your starting hand and checking each card against one large table for a series of character prompts. If you've approached challenges in a way that relies on stats or tags you'll need to include creating these in character creation. You could have picklists or tables for this or play out a tutorial fight where your score corresponds to certain tags or stats. You could also use pre-written characters for the Protagonist to pick from. (One possible supplement idea we did have for TDL was alternative character creations, guiding the fiction like different playbooks in Belonging outside Belonging games, which was actually an influence on the games approach to character creation.)
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