Different Approaches to Varying Player Count

Fight Card System

Transgender Deathmatch Legend is designed by default for two players, but while designing it we did think of some different approaches to play that could accomadate an expanded player count. We've reproduced those thoughts here and you're welcome to use them in your own Fight Card Game.

Pass and Play

If you want to accomodate more players you can simply add a pass and play element. Perhaps when the Protagonist enters a new hex roles rotate. Any player not currently with a central role can add details and ask questions. Every player could have their own hand in this scenario. The pass and play could just apply to fights with a winner-stays-on (as the Protagonist) mentality.

Protagonist, Antagonist and Narrator

If you were just expanding to three players and didn’t want to go a pass and play route you could have one player as the Antagonist. The Antagonist roleplays every oppositional character in the story and always acts against the Protagonist in fights. If you wanted to add another mechanical element you could have the Antagonist also play a card during Challenges, simultaneously as the Protagonist. The Protagonist must beat both the dealt hand and the Antagonists card. The Facilitator acts more as the Narrator in this mode of play, playing every relevant character in any non-fighting scenes and filling in details of the world and any crowds in fight. Additionally depending on the kind of game you might find it appropriate to simply have multiple Protagonists, and the Facilitator picks who resolves an individual fight in the way someone in other games picks who resolves a dice roll. We also ultimately believe this system is a fun game for observers as well as players.
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