Fight Mechanic
Fight Card System
During set-up the players remove the Jokers then shuffle the deck, and the Protagonist draws a hand of cards (in Transgender Deathmatch Legend a hand is 9 cards, you can change this number as you see fit). When a fight begins the Facilitator also draws a hand of cards. Then the rules of a fight are as follows.
Rules of a Fight
- Reveal the top card of the deck, this is the Trump Suit
- Starting player puts down a card matching the Trump Suit
- The opposing player must play another card in the same suit
- The move oracle explains what move is being attempted
- The oracle also explains any bonuses trump cards give
- The highest card wins, and claims both cards (the trick) in a winnings pile
- Describe how this situation plays out
- The winning player begins the next trick
- Players don’t draw back up during a fight
- If a player cannot match the Trump Suit they can play any card, but they are considered to have lost the trick and a new Trump Suit card is drawn
- If neither player can match the Trump Suit, the highest card played wins.
- The first fighter to claim a simple majority of tricks is the winner, describe how they finish the fight
- If the Protagonist defeats their opponent they move on from this hex, if the Protagonist was defeated they move directly to one of the Respawn Point hexes.
Respawn Points and Other Ways of Losing
In Transgender Deathmatch Legend if the Protagonist loses a fight they move to Respawn Point. There are three on the map and each asks how the character got there. From there they go back out and can either take a different route or go back and fight the same enemy again. Depending on what sort of map you use you may phrase that rule differently. Alternatively you may find Respawn Points aren't the best way for dealing with lost fights in your game. TDL is a queer power fantasy so we weren't interested in losing a fight being a major setback. If you were interested in other failure options you could have parts of the map blocked off after a lost fight or impose a disadvantage of some kind on the Protagonist. You could have the fight replay immediately instead of moving the player on the map. In certain games it may even be appropriate to have someone create a new character if they want to proceed.Optional Mechanic: Score Outcome
You might have the Protagonist check the final score and have an effect based on that. In Transgender Deathmatch Legend if it's a close fight (5 tricks won, 4 tricks lost) the Protagonist can reclaim some spent cards or discard weaker cards to draw back up. In BLOOD//RUSH (which used a different set up than Protagonist/Facilitator) the winning player has to discard trump's equal to the number of tricks lost, rewarding the losing player for a close fight. You could use either of those rules or any variations if you wanted the results of a fight to influence the Protagonist's hand. If you were exploring an advancement system (see the later section on Multi-Session Play) or had the map feature restricted access (see the later section on Map Navigation) You might have either of those things influenced by the score of a fight. You could also have the score a purely fictional factor, how it reflects the nature of the fight and how people respond to what happened.Move Oracles
Here is the move oracle from Transgender Deathmatch Legend and the move oracle from BLOOD//RUSH. The trump mechanics are the same in both games but the theming is different, TDL based in pro wrestling move sets while BLOOD//RUSH is all about strikes. You are free to replicate and modify either oracle in your own Fight Card games. Move Oracle- Ace - Forearm Smash - Re-draw one card
- Two - Headlock- Start the next trick, even if you lose
- Three - Uppercut
- Four - Big Boot
- Five - Knee Strike - Exchange a card with the Trump Suit card
- Six - Lariat
- Seven - Dropkick
- Eight - Backbreaker
- Nine - Spinebuster - Exchange a card with your opponent
- Ten - Sleeper Hold
- Jack - Suplex - Draw a new Trump Suit card after this trick
- Queen - Neckbreaker - Opponent must play their highest card or a matching 2
- King - Slam
- Ace - Jab - Re-draw one card
- Two - Hook - Start the next trick, even if you lose
- Three - Low Kick
- Four - Fast Elbow
- Five - Cross Punch - Exchange a card with the Trump Suit
- Six - Spinning Elbow
- Seven - Haymaker
- Eight - Uppercut
- Nine - Spinning Backfist - Exchange a card with your opponent
- Ten - High Knee
- Jack - Jumping Elbow - Draw a new Trump Suit after this trick
- Queen - Twisting Kick - Opponent must play their highest card or a matching 2
- King - Axe Kick
Suit Use
In Transgender Deathmatch Legend the suit indicates two things. The Trump Suit (named the Weather Suit in TDL) controls the weather in a fight, extreme freak weather befitting the schlocky tone. The suit of any card played also adds an optional flavour that can modify a description of an attack. We considered what else the Suits could represent in other hypothetical Fight Card Games. We thought it could signal a change in fighting style or tactics that is needed to succeed. We also thought you could have the Protagonist playing multiple characters fighting together (either a team working together or a plural character switching between fronters). In these instances what the current Trump Suit is doesn't have to correspond to anything in fiction, it can just be a determiner of success. (In BLOOD//RUSH the suit doesn't correspond to much, and there's no reason you couldn't replicate that in your game.)Alternate Trump Rule
While thinking of how else suits could be applied we did think of a different rules approach. There is no overall trump suit. Instead whichever player leads the trick plays a card of any suit. The opposing player then plays a higher value in a specified different Suit.- Hearts and Clubs Counter Each Other
- Diamonds and Spades Counter Each Other