Licence Details and Logos

Fight Card System

If you follow the terms of the license you are allowed to publish (free or commercially) third party content for Transgender Deathmatch Legend or you own game using the Fight Card Systems without the express permission of Rat Wave Game House. You may not not reuse any art from the base Transgender Deathmatch game, nor the base Transgender Deathmatch Legend logo. You may not reuse text from the game that isn't included in this guide for use. Rat Wave Game House is built on a culture of care, respect, and lending a voice to the voiceless. We reserve the right to disavow your product and revoke access to this licence. For example, and without limitation, we will disavow your product and revoke access to this license if we determine that your product contains content that is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, or in any other way hurtful towards marginalized identities and experiences. The above agreement does not apply to any corporate entity with more than $1,000,000 in gross revenue within any one of the previous three tax years. Any such entity should contact to discuss licensing. If you are publishing third party content for Transgender Deathmatch Legend you are allowed and and encouraged (but not required) to use the "Compatible with Transgender Deathmatch Legend" logo. If you plan on making any significant alterations to the logo, please email us at for permission (which we’ll usually grant.) The following bit of text must appear somewhere visible in the product, and on any website or storefront where you promote the product. [Product name] is an independent production by [Author or Publisher] and is not affiliated with Rat Wave Game House. It is published under the Transgender Deathmatch Legend Third Party License. If you are publishing your own game in The Fight Card System you are allowed and encouraged (but not required) to use "The Fight Card System" logo. We’ve included 2 versions here, based on the background of the image. If you plan on making any significant alterations to the logo, please email us at for permission (which we’ll usually grant). We request you include the following disclaimer in your game. This game uses The Fight Card System, created by The Dice of Rat Wave Game House. This game is not affiliated with Rat Wave Game House. Rat Wave Game House is not responsible for any legal claims against you or your products.
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