Multi-Session Play and Character Advancement

Fight Card System

Transgender Deathmatch Legend is a one-shot game which requires zero prep, beyond having the text and a deck of cards. New adventures for TDL could follow the same character two people may have played in a previous session, or a new story in the same system. Your own Fight Card Game might be designed to accommodate multiple sessions. In that instance you might want to think about character advancement. TDL itself has no rules for character advancement in the core game. We wouldn't find it interesting to allow advancement to make fights easier, as we feel that might reduce the fun of the game. If you were using stats or tags for challenges and as such have a more detailed character creation, advancement could look like stat bonuses or new tags. You could have cosmetic, fiction only affecting advancement. You could have the Protagonist update their move oracle with new attacks or customise their look further, like changing video game cosmetics. You could have advancement be achieved by XP system, a money system of some kind or simply advance on a per-session basis.

Thing That Could Reward/Affect XP or Money

  • A Win in a Fight
  • A Win in a Fight with the ratio of tricks won/loss affecting the reward
  • Reward for Successful Challenge
  • Reward for Successful Challenge, affected by different ranges
  • Money could be found on the map.
(The idea of finding money on the map could combine well with making exploring the map more difficult or more influenced by fights and challenges.) Alternatively you might use a Fight Card Game as a minigame in an anthology system, or modify it to work as a character creation tool for a system hopping Multi-Session game. (We have thought you could run a system hopping campaign using TDL and other wrestling themed games to follow the same cast.)
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