Motif Toolkit SRD
By Thought PoliceSRD Patches
Motif Toolkit SRD
Start with your genre & themes, basic player character concept(s), and core oracles. From there, you can add on modular "patches" that fill out your system or tool and provide alternate play and use options.
Motif is designed to not only accept, but encourage this "plug and play" approach. It is even reflected in the core mechanics as flavors. Embrace it.
Action Mods
These types of mods focus on the general action and main questions involving it.Modifiers
A core feature of most tabletop roleplaying games are character stats that modify the dice rolls. Motif games typically use broad descriptive traits and/or careers and skillsets. Traits and skillsets may be comprised of defined lists or open-ended for players. Consider your genre, themes, and protagonist concepts when creating lists or providing examples. Modifiers may also be introduced by circumstances or conditions suffered. Even an expert thief facing a cutting-edge security system could have a harder time of it. Someone with a broken leg trying to escape a situation may face difficulty. On the other hand, things may be easier with help, particularly good tools, or so on. Modifiers in Motif typically range from -2 to +2. The assumption is that a greater modifier should typically be an automatic simple, modest cost success or failure. For perspective and simplicity's sake, let us assume we're asking binary yes/no or success/fail questions with the low half (1-3) no or bad and the top half (4-6) yes or good on all dice. A -2 means you only have a 1 in 6 chance of a yes or good result on that dice. In contrast, a +1 means a 2 in 3 (4/6) chance you will get a yes or good result. Modifiers may be applied to certain dice or all dice. Some bonuses may also apply to a die of choice before or after a roll. Some penalties or curses may also force a player to choose certain dice to take a penalty before the roll. In a similar vein of player choice, especially strong skills may allow a player to rearrange their dice after the roll. Especially weak skills or harsh penalties may result in the dice being arranged in the least favorable order. Variations of the rearrangement concept can focus on broader gameplay or the core play loop, such as other players determining the dice order of rolls or a GM offering a story point or alternative benefit for a shift in dice order.Sequences
Unlike like traditional RPGs and SRDs, Motif does not usually make a notable distinction between combat and other scenes. It zooms in and out with timing, in pace with the focus and action. Generally, things can be taken as sequences of events, whether a montage or time-sensitive dramatic scene. Motif does not follow conventional rounds and turns with blow-by-blow action. Even when zoomed on "action sequences", the pacing is still broad. A single roll or "turn" is a full series of actions, interactions, and attempts. In a single "round", all actions presumably happen simultaneously. Where turn order matter, we recommend dividing each round into three steps: Talking, Doing, Conflict. By default, PCs gets one action of each. Talking is any kind of communication. Doing is active or interactive effort that is unopposed or not a conflict. Conflict is any kind of opposed or aggressive action, not merely fighting or traditional combat. Can spend a Doing action for an extra Talking action and a Conflict action for an extra Talking or Doing action. As needed per effort, each player rolls. On failures or costly results impose consequences as appropriate, such as a gunshot wound in a gun battle. On successes, the objective is achieved, progress is made, or consequences are imposed on enemies. With mixed results, both sides are at least partially successful but also suffer consequences from the other. If after all players go there remain NPCs or scene features left to act or impose conditions, they carry out their actions for free or players may receive defense rolls. On defense, players do not usually get any additional actions and cannot impose additional consequences on their opponents. It is usually a flat roll (no modifiers) or -1 on all dice. You may have players roll for each threat or roll once against all remaining opponents. Failure, per usual, results in cost, harm, or consequences. Consider allowing a strong success to result in better positioning or some other advantage. Also count flavor benefits and results as per normal. While they may not impose harms, they may be able to otherwise gain. Conflict between main characters is generally discouraged in most Motif builds. If it comes up, usually the defender or the character with the weaker roll is the one to roll. An example of a rule discouraging conflict is providing a defensive bonus of +1 to all dice and/or the benefit of rearranging the dice after the roll when attacked by a PC. If your game or subsystem encourages competition or conflict between the player characters, carefully consider how the oracle system and player facing rolls work within it. Shifting intentional conflicts into subsystems and competitions instead of direct conflict is recommended. Resource and prestige systems are good examples of opportunities for managed inter-player conflict and competition.Conditions
Most roleplaying games have some way to track harms or stresses. Motif games usually do as well, using "Conditions". By default, conditions are universal. A social injury of being "intimidated" is treating under the same limits and general rules as physical harm of "gunshot wound". However, you may use separate tracks for different types of conditions, such as one each for physical and mental well-being. Conditions are simply narrative labels. They are what they say on the label and impede or influence actions as common-sense dictates. A broken leg is a broken leg. Being sweet-talked is being sweet-talked. Follow the obvious and intuitive consequences of a given condition. The same applies for healing and recovering from conditions. Fast talk from a suspect may immediately wear off after a brief time or the end of the scene. Manipulation from a long-time mentor may take a much longer time to overcome, even if the face of evidence. Treatment may impact outcome. Different types of PCs may also have different recovery capabilities. Apply common sense and follow the context. Characters usually have a limit to the number of conditions they can bear. In most Motif games, exceeding this limit results in being pushed aside, passing out, or otherwise put out of action for the rest of the scene. We recommend a limit of 3 to 5 conditions for most games. Conditions may be divided into two or three severity levels. Characters may be knocked out of action by any level of Condition, as long as they exceed their capacity. Alternatively, they may instead only be bumped out of the scene when filled with the most severe conditions. In that instance, if they are full up and receive another harm, replace or upgrade a pre-existing less severe Condition. Conditions may turn into "Scars" when healed, if severe enough or left untreated. A character may by default hold as many scars as they can conditions. If they would exceed their limit, they replace one with a more severe version. It is recommended that players are given a clear warning for situations where the risk of injury is severe enough to risk death or permanent retirement. Players should also hold the choice of retiring due to overwhelming scars. You may alternately use a basic system of generic "Hits", which is best for simple light games. You may also include variable damage, in which case a more traditional system of health points or a health ladder may be more appropriate. Outside of commonsense limitations or difficulties, we do not recommend general penalties for stresses and injuries. This often results in a "death spiral" where a bad sequence can result in increasingly impossible survival odds. If anything, we suggest going the opposite route. The more injured someone is, the harder they fight.Character Mods
This set of mods is focused on additional player character options. These pieces and those like them help round out characters and add play options or shift game emphasis. Some, like additional Resources or Expert Rolls, may be added as a game layer on top of standalone TTRPG.Resources
Resources are helpful things that a PC has available to them. You can detail and divide them in any number of ways. We divide them into Stuff, Stones, and Stats. Stuff is just your common stuff. Some you may not need to note, like having tea in the cupboard. Other stuff may be equipment carried and recorded. This is perfect for most tangible and individual scale things or factors that simply do not need to be recorded. A player may perhaps spend some stones on getting better equipment, but they do not need spend stones for what they have or pick up in the course of play. What they have is what they have, simple as that. Stones are variable resources, represented by a counter or "stones", such as goodwill or favors you can cash in on (spending the stones). Used for factors that are flexible and easily subject to change based on actions. They usually have conditions or principles for which they are gained and lost. They can be spent for whatever that resource reflects. Secrets stones can be spent for hidden, lost, and rare information and whispers. Favor or Prestige stones may be spent as one could for calling in favors or upon a good reputation, typically requesting support or help. They are excellent for emphasizing certain themes and types of social interactions. Stats are ratings or levels assigned to things, as in many traditional RPGs. It can be used to emphasize certain play elements or a way to measure scale. We typically use a 3 or 5 step scale to measure the strength of a resource. It can be an overall scale of utility or power, expressed in individual sub-stats, or both. A social tie may have Loyalty (how close to you or loyal, which affects how helpful or generous) and Assets (wealth and/or influence, how risky or expensive of aid they are willing to offer for the right price). It may also or instead have a general scale rating. Personal facilities, strongholds, equipment access, information access, and many other factors can be handled in this way. Those are examples. The idea can be expressed in countless ways. Think about what best fits the tone and approach your project. The key is seeing all of them as resources available to PCs. Not all resources must have a practical use. Depending on concept, "useless" resources may make sense. For example, take a sitcom game resource of an impressively extensive social network. It may rarely, if ever, find the actual right person for the job.Expert Rolls
Expert rolls are an interesting way to influence the world based on strong skills, ties, resources, and so on. The perspective is expressed from the in-character point of view. In instances where a talent, skillset, or other character sheet attribute applies, simply roll as you would for any other roll using it. An architect looking for a back exit may say, "These types of buildings usually have a back exit because of fire codes. Is there an accessible one?" They roll their architecture, law, or other relevant skill. Weak or close success indicates a yes at a cost or inconvenience, a clear or strong success suggests a nearby available exit. Where there are sheet attributes that are not normally rolled, you may use the core oracle rolls. For middling to slightly strong ratings, roll without a modifier. For top tier benefits, use a roll +1 on all dice or rearrange the dice order after the roll. This may also apply to character backgrounds, judging whether to use a flat roll or roll with bonus based on the value to the character and how deep the tie. Making declarations about their home neighborhood would come at a bonus. A place they visited once or a few times might be a flat roll. This is designed to be system neutral, but it fits exceptionally well in Motif games and RPGs with well-developed skill systems or open-ended careers. The concept is very flexible and easily modified or even replaced with a distinct approach.Pools
Pools are sets of points that can be gained, lost, spent, and recovered. They can be used to power special abilities, grant bonus modifiers on rolls, heal conditions, or any other number of things that special points can do in RPGs. They usually have a set starting amount based on the character type. They may or may not have a permanent rating and/or a cap. For pools with permanent ratings, the rating is usually the maximum for the spendable points and they typically regenerate at a steady rate, sometimes with options to recover them more quickly by taking certain actions. Pools without permanent ratings may still have a cap, but they do not usually regenerate points passively. Instead, these pools usually have a list or principles with examples that trigger the gain or loss of the spendable points. Resource stones, described previously, are an example of this pool type. Pools should emphasize the genre, core themes of your game, or notable truths about the player characters. Only one or a few things need a pool of points for tracking or drawing from. You may use collective group pools to create an action economy or for zoomed out or extended group actions. Pools can be used to represent a limited number of threats, environmental hazard flareups, or similar factors in a scene. Spendable and refreshable points are a flexible tool.Abilities
Special abilities are an obvious feature where the protagonists are spellcasters or epic heroes. However, scaled appropriately, they may be used in fairly simple low-level or local games as well. Like everything from damage to difficulties, it is all relative to the scale and perspective of the player characters. Abilities are usually divided into two, three, or five levels of utility or power. How fine grained and how big the scale depends entirely on your setting and character concepts. Minor and major or simple, competent, and advanced suffice for most games. However, a game with a large scale or deeply involved hypertech system may benefit from the wider spread of five distinct levels. It is recommended that each level is described in context of what it can do with a solid handful of generic examples per level. This provides a consistent sense of the power scale and provides some grounded references. Characters may only have one or two narrow or specific abilities. Other concepts may have a few very broad abilities or several narrow but powerful abilities. They can be anything from pulp fiction style stunts to weird horror magic spells to biopunk enhancements and so on. Use abilities to make the main characters stand out and shine or to highlight the setting and aesthetic of your game. Abilities are rarely free. A common option is a cost that draws from a pool or upon a particular resource. This is a fairly common feature in tabletop roleplaying games. As but one possible example, a sorcerer game may have a ritual pool, which gains points as various preparatory rites and ritual phases are completed that can then be dedicated as magical energy into a spell and/or reducing the price of casting it. Abilities may also instead impose conditions and/or other costs in their use. This is especially a good option in settings with demonic, wicked, or corrupted magic, as well as a good pairing with broken, corrupted, or malfunctioning tech. Using conditions, it also nicely pairs with the trope of overusing abilities or using them when weakened causing the user to be badly injured or pass out. Costs for abilities may be directed elsewhere or more nebulous. They can also result in changes and statuses. Someone may gain an energy that makes people and animals feel distrusting or afraid of the character. They could lose friends and family. Some of their resources and ties may be lost. The group could acquire a negative reputation or become the target of dark forces. The possibilities are endless and we encourage you to explore them. The key is making abilities a highlight and seem useful, while also ensuring that they do not sprawl out of control. Too many or too much detail will work against the generally free-flowing nature of Motif. Stay focused.Ability Examples
Dark Talents: These are powers gained from dark and evil forces. Some sought out to study ancient tomes and medieval grimoires to learn their secrets. Some were born with a degree of psychic and magical ability. Others were cursed by demonic powers from Beyond to bind the would-be heroes of Light to the Dark and its alluring temptations of power and freedom. Individual Talents may only be used once in a given scene. Major Dark Talents are powerful abilities. Everything has a cost and major Dark Talents demand a price for their power. Each use of them causes a moderate Condition and creates wicked impulses and temptations. Calling upon such preternatural might taxes the body and soul alike. Examples:- Telekinesis. Hold people and throw things with your mind.
- Technomancy. "Talk" to computers and chip-based devices.
- Exorcism. Forcefully cast out demons, specters, and so on.
- Medium. Talk to spirits; command them in a limited way.
- Touch Visions. Symbolic and vague visions on direct contact.
- Animal Speech. Communicate with a specific type of animal.
- Night Vision. Almost inhumanly perfect night vision.
- Limited Mimic. Mimic someone for 66 minutes, 6 seconds.
- 1st Circle Power: Perform minor miracles and astounding feats of awareness and insight
- 2nd Circle Power: Permits the performance of small-scale miracles and impressive magical feats
- 3rd Circle Power: Near entirely command an aspect Creation and essentially rewrite portions of local reality
- 1st Circle Effects: Modest changes, such as minor skin discoloration, hissing and growling, and radiating warmth.
- 2nd Circle Effects: Notable effects, such as a distinct unrealistic art-like features, feral behavior, and stone skin
- 3rd Circle Effects: Radical transformations, such as looking like a vaguely human shaped elemental, radiating emotional auras, and extreme changes in perception & behavior.