Determination Roll

Charge RPG

Image by KELLEPICS from Not on my watch! (you are filled with determination) If a character suffers a consequence that you, as a player, don't like, you can try to resist it. You do so by calling for a determination roll to see how well you resist the consequence. You make that roll by burning momentum. Build a pool of d6s by adding 1d6 per charge of momentum. Once you've decided how many charges you want to consume, roll and interpret the results:
  • On a 1-3, the consequence still happens.
  • On a 4-5, the consequence is reduced.
  • On a 6, the consequence is avoided.
  • On a 66, the consequence is avoided, and the risk of your next roll is lowered.
If you want, you can also resist a consequence that isn't targeting you directly . If you want to do so, see Team Work » Protect.


Determination Roll

  • Roll a pool of d6s by adding 1d6 for each charge of momentum you are willing to consume for the roll.
    • On a 1-3, the consequence still happens.
    • On a 4-5, the consequence is reduced.
    • On a 6, the consequence is avoided.
    • On a 66, the consequence is avoided, and the risk of your next roll is lowered.
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