In a Nutshell

Charge RPG

This chapter will go over the most important bits of the book in a quick recap so that it's easy to use as a reference.

Character Creation


Define who your character is.

  • Concept: The elevator pitch of your character.
  • Appearance: What your character looks like.
  • Ties: Connection with the other player's character or forces within the world.


Distribute 7 action dots among the 12 actions to define how good your character is at doing things.

At character creation, a single action cannot have more than 2 action dots.


  • When you Muscle, you use your force to move, overcome or wreck the obstacle in front of you.
  • When you Finesse, you employ dexterous manipulation or subtle misdirection.
  • When you Move, you quickly shift to a new position or get out of danger.
  • When you Sneak, you traverse skillfully and quietly.


  • When you Shoot, you carefully track and shoot at a target.
  • When you Tinker, you understand, create, or repair complex mechanisms or organisms.
  • When you Study, you scrutinize details and interpret evidence.
  • When you Notice, you observe the situation and anticipate outcomes.


  • When you Bond, you reassure and socialize with friends and contacts.
  • When you Command, you compel swift obedience with skills, respect or intimidation.
  • When you Focus, you concentrate to accomplish a task that requires great strength of mind.
  • When you Sway, you influence with guile, charm, or argument.


  • Every time you make an action roll, you have a chance to gain momentum.
  • You start every session with 2 momentum.

When momentum is spent for a roll, that roll cannot in turn generate momentum.

Default Momentum Dial

  • Gain 1 momentum for a 4-5.
  • Gain 2 momentum for a 6.
  • Gain 3 momentum for a 66.

Using Momentum

2 momentumPush yourself and add +1d6 to your action roll.
1 momentumAssist an ally, add +1d6 to their action roll.
0-2 momentumDo a flashback scene.


On a failed action roll, GM can inflict stress on a PC.

The number of stress inflicted depends on the action's risk:

  • Low Risk: 1 stress
  • Moderate Risk: 2 stress
  • High Risk: 3 stress

Each stress ticks a segment on a PC's stress clock. When you mark stress, you also need to add/update your condition.

When the clock is filled, your character is taken out for the scene and your stress clock is cleared.

Projects and Complications

Use these clocks when a player has a long-term project or when the GM inflicts a complication as a consequence.

Doing Things

Action Roll

Use this when someone, or something, is in your way.

  1. Pick an action and find how many dice you need to roll.
  2. Determine the risk (1 low2 moderate3 high)
  3. Determine the effect rating (3 great2 standard1 limited)
  4. Choose one:
    • Add +1d6 if you push yourself (2 momentum)
    • Add +1d6 if you add tension to the action.
  5. Add +1d6 if you have assistance (they consume 1 momentum)
  6. Roll and wish for the best!

If you don't have any action dots and can't push yourself, add tension, or request assistance, roll 2d6 and take the lowest result.

66Critical SuccessYou greatly overcome the obstacle.
6Full SuccessYou overcome the obstacle.
4-5Partial SuccessYou overcome the obstacle, but there's a consequence.
1-3Bad outcomeYou fail at overcoming the obstacle, and there's a consequence.

Determination Roll

Use this to resist a consequence, or incoming stress.

  • Build a pool of d6s by adding 1d6 for each charge of momentum you are willing to consume for the roll.
    • On a 1-3, The consequence still happens.
    • On a 4-5, The consequence is reduced.
    • On a 6, The consequence is avoided.
    • On a 66, the consequence is avoided, and the risk of your next roll is lowered.


Use this to heal and recuperate.

  • When resting, laying low or seeking medical attention, clear between 1-4 segments from your stress clock and update your condition.

Team Work


Use this to help a fellow PC accomplish their action.

  • Consume 1 momentum and add 1d6 to their roll.
  • This also exposes the helper to any potential consequences resulting from the roll.


Use this to protect a fellow PC from danger.

  • Roll to resist someone else's consequence.

Set up

Use this to improve your chances at overcoming an obstacle.

  • Roll to improve the effect rating or reduce the risk of subsequent action rolls made by your team.



Use this when there's a bad outcome on a PC's Action Roll.

Select one of the following:

  • The effect of the roll is reduced.
  • A narrative complication occurs (you can track this on the character sheet).
  • The opportunity is lost and the PC must try a new approach.
  • The risk increases.
  • The PC takes stress:
    • 1 stress for a low risk action
    • 2 stress for a moderate risk action
    • 3 stress for a high risk action


Use this to make characters evolve and get stronger over time.


  • Happens every session.
  • At the end of every session, you can update the **details of your character.


  • Happens every 3-5 sessions, usually after a big event.
  • Gain +1 Talent Dot


Talents make your character stronger and more versatile over time.

  • Get +1 talent dot every milestone.

Talent Types

A Talent gives either:

  • +1 action dot to spend on an Action.
  • A new situational talent. A bonus that applies for an action in a certain situation (fill in the blank: ____).

Fortune Roll

Fortune Roll

  • Build a dice pool by using a specific action or by adding +1d6 per likeliness level of a thing happening, roll, and interpret the results.
  • If it's really unlikely, roll 2d6 and take the lowest result.
66Critical SuccessGreat results, and something exceptional happens.
6Full SuccessGreat results.
4-5Partial SuccessMixed results.
1-3Bad outcomeBad results.


Used to define complex obstacles.

  • GM creates a clock to represent long-lasting obstacles.
    • Divide into 4 segments for a complex obstacle.
    • Divide into 6 segments for a complicated obstacle.
    • Divide into 8 segments for a daunting obstacle.


When a PC succeeds on an action roll, you can tick segments of a progress Clock:

  • Tick 1 segment for a limited effect.
  • Tick 2 segment for a standard effect.
  • Tick 3 segment for a great effect.

When a PC suffers a consequence from an action roll, you can tick segments of a danger Clock:

  • Tick 3 segment for a high risk.
  • Tick 2 segment for a moderate risk.
  • Tick 1 segment for a low risk.
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