What Makes A Character?

Bad Time SRD

Characters in any Bad Time Game are made up of their Name, Appearance, Personality, and Stats. Seems shallow? That’s because it is, at least to start. It makes character creation very simple, allowing you to hit the ground running and also means you feel less guilty about your characters suffering. Of course, depending on who you have at your table, the single sentence descriptions can balloon and expand outwards. The Stats are meant to be descriptive of what a character is like, expanding on their personality as well as the way they approach life. In End of the Line, you have 4 points to allocate across 5 statistics [Smart, Sexy, Subtle, Strong, and Snarky]. Those five terms help bring players into the mindset that they are not creating characters who have a lot of depth, and who will most likely go on to have untimely deaths. It also hammers home the fact that most of what they will try to do is going to fail miserably, as even with an even spread of points you’re likely to end up with However, don’t take 4 points across 5 statistics as an ironclad rule! Make as many statistics as approaches you think players will take, and give them as many points as you think is fair (or unfair) for the game that they’re about to play. Trust me, they’re gonna need them.
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