The Grove System
The Grove System would not exist without the designers, writers, editors and backers who made Banda’s Grove a reality. Thanks to everyone who provided their feedback, design consultancy, and stayed up late in the night with me discussing the finer details of token economies, and collaborative storytelling.
Armanda Haller - @armandah17
Misha Panarin - @panarin_misha
Dana Pena - @danapenav
Sasha "stargazersasha" Winter - @stargazersasha
Matt Kimmel - @orpheuspress
Matt Shipps - @orpheuspress
Michael Low - @LuckLegends
Philippa Mort - @MortPhilippa
Michael Low - @LuckLegends
Design Consultants
Michael Low - @LuckLegends
Orpheus Press - @orpheuspress
Armanda Haller - @armandah17
René-Pier Deshaies - @RPDeshaies
Cassandra - @ZeugmaticPlayer