
The Grove System

The Grove System would not exist without the designers, writers, editors and backers who made Banda’s Grove a reality. Thanks to everyone who provided their feedback, design consultancy, and stayed up late in the night with me discussing the finer details of token economies, and collaborative storytelling. Writers Armanda Haller - @armandah17 Misha Panarin - @panarin_misha Dana Pena - @danapenav Sasha "stargazersasha" Winter - @stargazersasha Matt Kimmel - @orpheuspress Matt Shipps - @orpheuspress Michael Low - @LuckLegends Philippa Mort - @MortPhilippa Editing Michael Low - @LuckLegends Design Consultants Michael Low - @LuckLegends Orpheus Press - @orpheuspress Armanda Haller - @armandah17 René-Pier Deshaies - @RPDeshaies Cassandra - @ZeugmaticPlayer
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