Seelie Squire's Book of Creatures
By Seelie SquireChapters
Animated Objects
Seelie Squire's Book of Creatures
“I learned it from my father. He was a devilishly clever man, he was. As you know, the reagents for animation enchantments are not cheap. What he did was buy ten full suits of armor, and positioned them in the entrance to his manor. Lined them up on either side of the hallway. He then enchanted only the first two of them. Now, imagine breaking in and fighting two full suits of solid metal. Even if you win, you’re not going to continue when you see eight more!” - Shasa Vantul, Great Wizard
Expensive Magicks. Animating an object is a process which takes both plenty of time and plenty of resources. Firstly, it requires the necessary ingredients which can both charge the object with magic without damaging the particular materials of the item. Additional reagents are required to bind items together which would need to animated as one unit, such as a suit of armor. Finally, the particular function of the animated item will require certain chemicals and a specific ritual suited to enacting it. Due to the rarity of the materials and knowledge required to animate objects, seeing such items is typically an impressive display of magical prowess and wealth.
Effective Function. By far the most common use for magically animated objects is for protection. Animated objects don’t need a paycheck, and will never back-stab you or eye your precious gems. Additionally, it is quite difficult to dispatch of an animated object if you don’t know what you’re doing. Because of this, those of arcane inclination will often seek out methods of obtaining animated objects to protect their ever growing stash of magical items. While protection is by far the most used function of animated objects, it is not unheard of for a wealthy figure to commission animated objects for entertainment purposes.
Animated Suit of Armor
Enchanted set of full plate • Visually indistinguishable • FlyingSkills
- +2 Guard (Fight and Notice)
[1] • [2]Stunts
Lifeless enchantment
The suit of armor is immune to all non-magical stress. If the suit of armor would have been hit by 3 shifts of physical stress in one action, it will use its next turn reassembling itself.Visually indistinguishable
This suit of armor looks just like any mundane suit of armor. If it is not moving, it is impossible to tell by sight alone that it is animated
Animated Sword
Enchanted longsword • Visually indistinguishable • FlyingSkills
- +3 Sick ‘em (Fight)
Lifeless enchantment
The sword is immune to all non-magical stress. If the sword would have been hit by 2 shifts of physical stress in one action, it will fly backward into the next zone if possible.Visually indistinguishable
This sword looks just like any mundane sword. If it is not moving, it is impossible to tell by sight alone that it is animated
Animated Painting
Enchanted mural • Moving pictures • Rudimentary intelligenceSkills
- +3 Blabbermouth (Rapport and Provoke)
- +2 Watchful (Notice, Investigate, and Lore)
- -1 Limited mind (Deceive and Empathy)
The animated painting was designed to be impressive. It instantly knows the common name of anyone it sees. This is whatever name is used most often by the person’s peers