Seelie Squire's Book of Creatures
By Seelie SquireChapters
Jungle Fauna
Seelie Squire's Book of Creatures
The deep jungle is filled with a plethora of strange species, each with unique abilities and behaviors. Some people dedicate their lives to finding and chronicling these creatures, and yet, the list of creatures to find is never exhausted.
Shrubbit. This small, rabbit-sized, burrowing herbivore makes its home in the thick underbrush of the forest. Over the course of its life, a shrubbit's dark green fur mats into long, tangled tendrils resembling tufts of weeds and other plants. Leaf-like camouflage grows out of their back to add to this effect. They use this as a defense mechanism to blend into the jungle floor. A shrubbit standing completely still is nearly impossible to see in the underbrush.
Growlbird. This small, brown bird looks unextraordinary when sitting still, however, when the growlbird takes flight you see its true beauty. The hidden underside of a growlbird's wings are an iridescent array of oranges, reds, yellows, and blues that flash in the sunlight as it flaps. Growlbirds live in solitude and are quite territorial. In order to scare off competitors and potential predators, the growlbird can mimic an impressive variety of animal growls. While a growlbird won't dare attack a larger animal, they can often be found hunting shrubbits and other small mammals.
Bleedlebug. This insect resembles an ashy beetle with an amber-colored abdomen. Four thick antennae stick from its head to sense subtle vibrations in the environment around it. If crushed, a bleedlebug will ooze a yellowish substance, often cited as a delicacy for its sweet taste. A common parable told in settlements near the jungle describes a child that catches a bleedlebug by sitting so still it lands on his skin. The moral of this story, of course, is that patience is rewarded.
Nyoc. The nyoc is a breed of scavenging jumping-spider that feeds on the carcasses of dying animals. They are about six inches in diameter, and can leap up to ten feet in a single jump. The nyoc has a venomous bite that triggers a panicked fight response in its target. The nyoc leverages this bite to spur packs of animals in to fighting one another, often leaving behind a meal for it.
Quick and tiny herbivore • Jungle camouflageSkills
- +6 Scurry (Athletics)
- +4 Blend in (Stealth)
Jungle camouflage
The shrubbit has plant-like extrusions meant to help them blend in. If a shrubbit is standing completely still in a jungle environment, when they make a stealth check to hide, the minimum result is 4.
Iridescent underwings • Impressive mimicking • Territorial in solitudeSkills
- +4 Mimic predator (Deceive and Provoke)
- +4 Soar (Athletics)
Call for backup
If the growlbird feels threatened, and its pursuer is not scared away by a simple growl, the growlbird can lure predators into the area. The growlbird may use its action to make a Provoke check, with a difficulty depending on what type of predator it is trying to lure and if one is nearby. If successful, a predator of that type will enter the scene at the end of this round
Hard to catch • Sought afterSkills
- +6 Fly (Athletics)
- +2 Insect eyes (Notice)
Deliciously sweet
If the bleedlebug’s abdomen is crushed, an amber-colored paste will come out. This bleedlebug goo is a delicacy that is hard to find. If ingested, clear the lowest damaged mental stress box that the one ingesting it has checked, if any
Terrifying jumping arachnid • Fear venom • Carrion eater • The stuff of nightmaresSkills
- +4 Leap (Athletics)
Aggressive jump
A nyoc may use Athletics instead of Fight to attack.Panic inducing venom
Nyoc venom induces a panicked fight response in its victim. A nyoc attack with Fight (or Athletics) can only deal a maximum of one stress. When a nyoc deals damage to someone in this way, they gain the Fight response aspect. While they have this aspect, all other characters appear to them as enemies