Seelie Squire's Book of Creatures
By Seelie SquireChapters
Goblinoids Pt. 2
Seelie Squire's Book of Creatures
“Before we left to give warning to the rest of the platoon, we took a moment to look down from the cliff and appreciate the sheer size of the mass of supposedly mindless savages. It was the first time I’ve gotten to watch them from afar. A terrible realization hit me in that moment. They are not mindless.” - Jamine Corsano, Moriel Soldier
Hobgoblins. “Big but still gaunt. Red skin. Imposing uniforms. If there are any goblinoids I fear, it would be hobgoblins. They are not like the others. If your party arrives with weapons in hand, a goblin may begin looking for an escape. An orc may begin looking for a target. But a hobgoblin would begin looking for your weaknesses.” - Bulgar the Black, Mercenary
Bugbears. “My brother and I were hunting in the woods. We’d been tracking some game for an hour or so, our steps quiet and our bows ready. Finally it was in my line of sight. I nocked an arrow and began preparing for the shot. I was about to release the string when my brother yelled for me to turn around. Directly behind me it was standing there, seven feet tall. How did something so large get so close to us without us noticing?” - Bern Randall, Family Hunter
Devilish soldier • Imposing strategist • GoblinoidSkills
- +2 Positioned (Investigate, Lore, and Notice)
- +2 Munitioned (Fight and Shoot)
- +1 Conditioned (Athletics and Physique)
[1] • [2]Mild consequence [2]
Imposing strategist
The hobgoblin and its allies get an additional free invoke on advantages it creates using Investigate, Lore, or Notice
Large and fur-covered • Impressively stealthy • GoblinoidSkills
- +4 Hide (Stealth)
- +3 Collide (Fight)
- +3 Stride (Physique and Athletics)
[1] • [2] • [3]Mild consequence [2]
The bugbear and its allies get an additional two free invokes on advantages it creates related to ambushes and surprise attacks