Seelie Squire's Book of Creatures
By Seelie SquireChapters
Government Agents
Seelie Squire's Book of Creatures
In the city of flashing lights, big brother is always a stone’s throw away. It is not just a conspiracy theorist’s speculation, but a fact of life. In every bustling alley or dimly lit bar, there is a chance that an agent is watching, waiting for an unsuspected target to break the law.
Routine Surveillance. The primary job of agents in the city is to keep an eye on the citizens. Who knows what they could be plotting? They must be monitored. In order to stay inconspicuous government whistle-blowers nicknamed ‘partycrashers’ blend into crowds and hang around public places, waiting for their queue to intervene.
Enforcement in Force. Aside from monitoring, the other job of government agents is to enforce the laws. This means subduing criminals, eliminating threats, and maintaining the peace. An array of enforcers around the city have implants in their skull meant to transmit and receive information. In a pinch, this can alert potentially dozens of agents that an issue needs to be taken care of.
Government Partycrashers
Obscurity drivesSkills
- +3 Disguise (Stealth)
- +3 Synthetic fitness (Athletics)
- +2 Reinforcements (Contacts)
- +2 Necessary force (Fight and Shoot)
[1] • [2]Stunts
Obscurity drives
The government partycrasher has an implant that interferes with camera equipment. Photos and video feeds of the partycrasher are subtly blurred over any identifying features.The jig is up
Reinforcements are always nearby. A government partycrasher can use their action to make a Good (+3) difficulty Contacts check. For every shift of success, a government goon (see below) enters the scene
Government Goons
Networking implantsSkills
- +1 Necessary force (Fight and Shoot)
- +1 Synthetic fitness (Athletics)
Networking implants
These implants allow the goon to act in step with other goons. If one goon in the scene knows or notices something, all other goons in the scene also know or notice it