Seelie Squire's Book of Creatures
By Seelie SquireChapters
Small Woodland Creatures
Seelie Squire's Book of Creatures
“It’s amazing what you’ll see when you actually slow down and take a moment to appreciate nature. You can get so caught up in all the big monsters and exotic wildlife that it is easy to miss the small things. Keep an eye out for the beautiful gliding tem-tems or a vyaga tunneler next time you’re traveling through the woods!” - Rod Lefure, Shopkeep
Tem-Tems. The tem-tem kite-rat, also called ‘tem-tems’ or ‘kite-rats’ for short, are a species of rodent named for their gliding membranes. While most tem-tems live on ground level, they will often times run up trees and other tall objects so they may bound off of them, and glide toward their goal. Tem-tems live in large families of 6 to 12, and will team up with the other tem-tems to fight off potential predators.
Vyaga Tunnelers. Vyaga tunnelers are a species of small mammals that burrow just below the forest floor. They are herbivores, and as such do all that they can to avoid other living things. Vyaga tunnelers live in groups of 2 to 4, and build small, temporary burrows for shelter. Hunters will often wear vyaga pelts, since obtaining one is a sign of great prowess.
Tem-Tem Kite-Rat
Small gliding rodent • TerritorialSkills
- +1 Swarm (Fight and Provoke)
- +1 Rambunctious (Athletics)
The tem-tem kite-rat has patagia (gliding membranes) to help it glide through the air. It automatically succeeds on overcome checks related to moving over ground-level obstacles like pits or deep mud.Flock
After any character misses an attack against a tem-tem kite-rat, it and all other tem-tem kite-rats in it’s zone may move up to one zone
Vyaga Tunneler
Small tunneling mammal • Easily frightenedSkills
- +2 Scramble (Athletics)
- +1 Keen senses (Notice)
A vyaga tunneler can easily move through soft ground. Granted it is made from dirt, sand, or another soft material, the vyaga tunneler can move through the ground as effortlessly as above ground.Tunnel systems
The vyaga tunneler can take advantage of tunnels that have already been dug. As it’s normal move, a vyaga tunneler can move to any zone with another vyaga tunneler in it, provided both zones are connected by soft ground