Seelie Squire's Book of Creatures
By Seelie SquireChapters
Defunct Golem
Seelie Squire's Book of Creatures
Ten feet of night iron, flanked on either side by massive fists of the same material, stood like a sentinel in the forest. Nature’s wild tendrils reclaimed the beast, its form overgrown by vines and foliage. It stands no more than a statue now. But the forest around it has come alive.
Bygone Directive. Long ago, when the forgotten golem was created, it was given a distinct purpose. Guard the creator’s most prized possession. Kill all who approach. The monstrous metal being was constructed with this purpose in mind. Thick plates of night iron connected by rods and pistons made up the entirety of the golem. Swords and arrows did little to pierce the metal hide. The enchanter, however, made a fatal mistake. “Protect my most prized possession. Kill all who approach.” Golems deal only in literals, and the enchanter was slain on the spot. The golem went on to continue its duty.
Magical Instability. Years passed and the occasional forest-goer stumbled into the deadly metal hulk. It carried out its task, slaying those who approached. But without an enchanter to upkeep the golem, it’s magic grew unstable. The golem became unsuitable to carry the enchantment magics that filled it. Slowly the magic leaked into the surrounding forests. Enchantment magic is unpredictable and potent, and the magic maintained its function even though it escaped its vessel. The branches and vines continued their fatal directive: Protect the creator’s most prized possession. Kill all who approach.
Defunct Golem
Thick metal plating • Cold to the touch • UnmovingSkills
- +3 Armored (Physique)
[1] • [2] • [3] • [4]Mild consequence [2]
Made of metal
The defunct golem defends against physical attacks with Armored (Physique).Leaking magical energy
The magic meant to power the golem has leaked into the surrounding foliage. The defunct golem does not take actions on it’s own. Instead, the golem may use its action to create a new enchanted foliage (see below) anywhere in the scene that there is foliage. When the defunct golem is taken out, the magical energy is released and all of the enchanted foliage in the scene dies.Come alive
When the defunct golem is first interacted with in a scene, it will create five enchanted foliage (see below) anywhere within the scene that there is foliage
Enchanted Foliage
Ordinary appearance • Kill directiveSkills
- +3 Twist and turn (Physique and Athletics)
- +1 Rip (Fight)
The enchanted foliage may make a Physique attack to pull a target. If it hits, no damage is dealt, but for the rest of the turn the target will move with the enchanted foliage.Entangle
The enchanted foliage may make a Physique attack to entangle a target. If it hits, no damage is dealt, but the Entangled aspect is added to the character. As long as the aspect remains on the character, they may not move zones.Magical tether
If the enchanted foliage leaves a one kilometer radius of the defunct golem, it is taken out