Seelie Squire's Book of Creatures
By Seelie SquireChapters
Seelie Squire's Book of Creatures
The slip-spider is only similar to an actual spider in two ways. First of all, it has several, long spindly legs that bring it just up to shoulder height of a human. No one has been able to interact with a slip-spider long enough to grok how many legs it has, in particular. Generally, reports note that the slip-spider is moving too quickly to count them. Some theorize that its legs are moving through more than just space.
Secondly, the slip-spider weaves webs to capture its prey. Unlike your average spider, however, these are not sticky webs it can hang from; these are webs of time. The slip-spider pulls the timelines around it like strands, traveling along them and baffling its victims. It hunts on instinct, and because of this will often cut its losses if it thinks it's losing a fight.
Anachro-arachnid • Acts on instinct • Spindly legs • Limited time-travelSkills
- +3 Slip-stream movement (Athletics)
- +3 Unpredictable (Deceive)
- +3 Insatiable (Fight)
- +2 Read timelines (Notice)
- +2 Optimal approach (Stealth)
[1] • [2] • [3]Mild consequence [2]
Moderate consequence [4]
Liquid Time
The slip-spider has time on its side. It can see and react to things before they occur. Every round in a conflict the slip-spider can decide where in the turn order to act. It does not need to decide until the moment it acts.Rewind Time
The slip-spider pokes and prods at the various timelines it weaves around it to set itself on the most convenient path. After the slip-spider takes an action, it may spend a fate point to undo that action. The slip-spider’s turn is still used. Those in the same zone as the slip-spider will experience time reversing in that moment, but will not be able to do anything about it. Those outside of its zone will not even know it happened.Parallel Agency
Moving forward and backward in time short distances allows the slip-spider to act alongside itself for brief periods. At the beginning of a turn, the slip-spider may spend a fate point to do this. Another instance of the slip-spider appears in the same or an adjacent zone, coming out of time-travel. Both slip-spider copies may act on this turn. At the beginning of the slip-spider’s next turn, the original instance of the slip-spider disappears into time-travel. Any stress, aspects, or otherwise applied to one copy of the slip-spider are also applied to the other; they are the same slip-spider, after all