Seelie Squire's Book of Creatures
By Seelie SquireChapters
Augmented Zombies
Seelie Squire's Book of Creatures
“I saw a bastard with a meat-cleaver for a hand. Musta’ been a butcher while he was still livin’. I never understood people like that. You got a perfectly good hand, and you wanna cut it off and replace it with something mundane? Never made sense to me. But those super hearing-aids, grappling hook arms, or bio-reinforced skeletons. Those at least seem useful. I could get behind that.” - Austin Bilgrin, Survivor
Virus susceptibility. Before the fall, tons of people got implants to improve their everyday lives. People got implants to help at their job, others got implants to increase their performance in sports. Some got cosmetic implants. But this opened the floodgates for something entirely unexpected. The world’s first virus that is both biological and technological. Some people say it was a hacker who made the nanobots. Others say it was a government experiment gone wrong.
Zombies with cybernetic implants. Shambling bodies limp their way around this once-bright, once-neon-filled cityscape. Zombies of former peacekeepers still have their weapons. The construction workers still have their jack-hammer arms. In an abandoned back-alley, you may catch a smile from a zombie with glowing teeth.
Augmented Walker
Persistent • MotivatedSkills
- +3 Augment (Random)
- +1 Tooth and nail (Fight)
This zombie has an augmentation. Select or roll to determine a random skill. That skill is the one at +3 above. Shoot, for example, might mean the zombie has a gun for an arm
Government Agent Walker
Persistent • Malfunctioning networking implantsSkills
- +2 Eye for action (Notice)
- +1 Unnecessary force (Fight and Shoot)
Malfunctioning networking implants
If one government agent walker notices something, all other government agent walkers in the scene will know something happened and begin looking for it.
Riot Walker
Well-equipped • Stuffy suitSkills
- +2 Built (Physique)
- -1 Encumbering riot gear (Athletics and Notice)
[2] • [2]Stunts
Riot gas
Once per scene, the riot walker can fire a gas canister into their zone, or an adjacent zone. That zone gains the aspect Riot gas. All characters that breathe the gas must make a Fair (+2) difficulty Physique check. The riot walker gets a free invoke of Riot gas against each character that fails the check