Silver Dragon

Seelie Squire's Book of Creatures

The silver dragon, like other metallic dragons, is one of good nature. They do not like killing, but will do so if put in a situation where it becomes necessary. Silver dragons are not ones to hunt evil like some metallic dragons do, but they will put evil to rest if they cross paths with it. Silver dragons enjoy learning about the traditions of the mortal races and partaking themselves when possible. They enjoy throwing feasts and attending dances, though are ironically distrusting of others. Because of this they tend to have these events in isolation, either alone or attended by their closest allies. Though the ability for a dragon to take human form is still harshly debated, scholars believe that it is likely they would use this ability to attend mortal events if they had it.

Silver Dragon


Massive winged silver reptileDistrusting of othersGood-natured and intelligentInfatuated with mortal traditions


  • +5 Tradition (Lore)
  • +4 Majestic beast (Physique and Athletics)
  • +3 Deadly (Fight, Shoot, and Provoke)
  • +2 Good-natured (Rapport)
  • +1 Collected treasure (Resources)


[1] • [2] • [3] • [4]
Mild consequence [2]
Moderate consequence [4]
Severe consequence [6]


Chilling breath
As an action, the silver dragon targets a zone (within shooting range) with a Deadly (Shoot) attack. All characters in the zone must defend against the attack and take stress independently. The zone gains the Slick aspect.
Poison gas
As an action, the silver dragon targets everyone in the zone it occupies with a Deadly (Shoot) attack. All characters in the zone must defend against the attack and take stress independently. Each character that takes stress from the attack gains the Poisoned aspect.
The collector’s eye
The silver dragon has done research on where powerful artifacts may lie in the surrounding area. It gets +2 to Tradition (Lore) checks to recall the potential location of magical items
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